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"I drank and used for 25 years, I come from the streets, where you “Trust No One,” and never show weakness.  I met Daren Lawe in 2009.  I had 3 years sober, and was on the verge of returning to my old lifestyle.  My sponsor “suggested” I contact her.  When Daren and I met, I was very guarded and unwilling to show vulnerability.  She stuck with me though – I had a lot of issues that needed to be worked through, and false beliefs that were ingrained deeply.  She gave it to me straight, which no one ever had before – EVER.  I respect her for that, immensely.  I truly believe had I not started seeing her, I would’ve relapsed.  We worked together for 5 years, and when she felt I was ready, she let me go gracefully.  I am forever grateful for taking my sponsor’s suggestion.  I am now 10 ½ years sober, happily married and able to work through my issues in a healthy, productive manner."


Roxanna, Los Angeles, CA




Reenie Sklar is an amazing blend of compassion and steel. She is insightful, challenging and caring. I saw her turn a troubled, unregulated young adult into a healthy, resilient, high-functioning grown-up. I’m forever grateful to her.


Elena, Northridge, CA




"I brought my 7 year old son to Dr. Mary Jane Julius last year to help him with some behavioral challenges that we were dealing with.  My son was having frequent, horrible outbursts and couldn't seem to control his anger.  For 6 months, Dr. Julius worked closely with my son,  She helped him learn to regulate his emotions, and taught him healthy ways to express his feelings and get them out.  Dr. Julius took the time to consider our entire family dynamic, and helped me learn to better connect and communicate with my child.  She gave us a solid structure for house rules and consequences when those rules were broken.  We ended our time with Dr. Julius feeling empowered and prepared for future challenges.  Now, a year later, our family is stronger, and my sweet son is happy and thriving.  Outbursts are a rare occurrence in our house now, but we are equipped to deal with them now when/if they do occur.  Dr. Julius made my son feel so special and valued.  We are all so thankful for the time we spent under her care and guidance."


Rose, Canyon Country




"My bubbly preteen was fearful of many things, worried about transitioning to middle school, and adjusting to a blended family.  Dr. Mary Julius was able to connect to my daughter and provide a safe environment for her to express her feelings.  Dr. Julius also worked with both birth parents to develop strategies and parental behavior changes to improve my daughter’s confidence, resilience, and eliminate many fears. Today, my daughter is able to express her feelings, push through seemingly fighting situations, and enjoy the new family dynamic."


Edmund, Porter Ranch




"Dr. Mary Jane Julius quickly built rapport with my son and was able to make him feel safe to share how he felt.  She also was able to help him articulate his thoughts and feelings even when he was uncertain. She also had terrific insights into what really was contributing to the issues and had practical solutions for us to implement at home and my son to implement at school. I am so grateful to have worked with Dr. Julius . My son is better behaved at school and home, d is more aware of what is going on for him, more communicative about those situations, and more confident in himself and his abilities."


Simon, Lake Balboa






"I had Daren as a therapist for about a year and a half.  During that time I learned how to deal with relationships and boundaries. Daren is a very conscientious therapist.  She showed empathy when I needed it. In group when my communication was inappropriate, she let me know why and how to correct it.  I strongly recommend her services.  The therapy helped me to move on with my life."


NP Torrance, CA





"Reenie did an excellent job with my son.  We when for 12 sessions and she gave me the tools to implement discipline in a more effective way.  As well as to be able to talk and comprehended my kids and understand my children’s  behavior.  Not, only with my son but, also with my younger daughter.  As of today I still continue using her techniques and remember to talk more with my kids.  One thing I would like to mention that my son has improved his behavior at school as well as at home. I was very please with Reenie’s  professionalism and kindness."


Esmerelda, Northridge, CA





It has been my pleasure to work with Reenie for about 5 months. Over that time, she has displayed a genuine drive to provide the best possible care and advice. Not only does she have a large amount of experience and education to assist her clients, she also stays current on new research and latest techniques. This allows her to adapt to the needs of each person.


Besides being understanding, compassionate, and supportive, Reenie also provides another key trait, objectivity. She is not just an ally who listens, but also a professional looking at the big picture. And as a professional, the ultimate goal is long term improvement to her clients. She accomplishes this by pointing out unhealthy habits and thought patterns without being critical. This is important trait to help guide you into better position for success. 


And finally, Reenie is passionate about what she does. Very quickly after meeting her, I could tell this is not just a job which supports her. For her it is a calling. She works hard to be the very best and help her clients. She is thinking about ways to help you even when you are not there.


Thank you Reenie for all your help! You strengthened my marriage and provided me the tools to succeed in every sense of the word!







I met with Daren for a year.  She is a great listener and has great honesty, integrity and compassion.  She did not offer me a magic pill to make it all change and make the pain go away.  It was not an easy process.  It took a lot of hard work and sacrifice on my part.  She worked with me and pushed me to do and face the hard things.  She pushed me beyond my comfort zone and allowed me to face myself from the inside out.  I was forced to look in the mirror and take responsibility for my part and my decisions in my life.  She helped me to deal with the past and let it go.  Spending that time with Daren was one of the best decisions I have ever made and I am a better person for it.  Life is not perfect but she provided me with the tools to deal with my present situations and with any past demons that pop up as triggers.  I highly recommend her.








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